CPLEAR Publications
Measurement of the energy dependence of the form factor $f_+$ in $K^{0}_{e3}$
A. Apostolakis et al. (CPLEAR collaboration), CERN-EP/99-168
in Phys. Lett.B 473 (2000) 186.
Pion Correlations And Resonance Effects In Anti-p p Annihilation At Rest
A. Angelopoulos et al. (CPLEAR collaboration),
in Nucl. Phys. A 655 (1999) 218.
\$K^{0}-\overline{K}^{0}$ mass and decay-width differences: CPLEAR evaluation,
A. Angelopoulos et al. (CPLEAR collaboration), CERN-EP/99-150
in Phys.Lett. B 471 (1999) 332.
A determination of the CP violation parameter eta+- from the decay of strangeness-tagged
neutral kaons,
A. Apostolakis et al. (CPLEAR collaboration), CERN-EP/99-065
published in Phys. Lett. B 458 (1999), pp.545-552-
Determination of the T- and CPT-violation parameters in the neutral-kaon
system using the Bell-Steinberger relation and data from CPLEAR,
A. Apostolakis et al. (CPLEAR collaboration), CERN-EP/99-051
published in Phys. Lett. B 456 (1999) , pp.297-303
Dispersion relation analysis of the neutral kaon regeneration amplitude
in carbon,
A. Angelopoulos et al. (CPLEAR collaboration),
in Eur. Phys. J. C 10 1 (1999) 19.
Tests of the equivalence principle with neutral kaons,
A. Angelopoulos et al. (CPLEAR collaboration), CERN-EP/99-022
published in Phys. Lett. B 452 (1999) , pp.425-433
A determination of the CPT parameter Re(delta) from the semileptonic decay
of strangeness-tagged neutral kaons,
A. Angelopoulos et al. (CPLEAR collaboration), CERN-EP/98-154
in Phys.Lett. B 444 (1998) 52.
First direct observation of time-reversal non-invariance in the neutral
kaon system,
A. Angelopoulos et al. (CPLEAR collaboration),
in Phys.Lett. B 444 (1998) 43.
Measurement of the Kl Ks mass difference using semileptonic decays of tagged
neutral kaons,
A. Angelopoulos et al. (CPLEAR collaboration), CERN-EP/98-152
in Phys.Lett. B 444 (1998) 38.
Pion correlations and resonance effect in pbar-p annihilations at rest
to 2pi+ 2pi- pi0,
PSI report: PSI-PR-98-17
in Eur. Phys. J., C 6 (1999) 437.
The neutral kaons decays to pi+ pi- pi0 : a detailed analysis of the CPLEAR
A. Angelopoulos et al. (CPLEAR collaboration), CERN-EP/98-074
in Eur.Phys.J.C5 (1998), 389.
Search for CP violation in the decay of tagged anti-K0 and K0 to pi0 pi0
A. Angelopoulos et al. (CPLEAR collaboration), CERN-EP/98-004
in Phys.Lett. B 425 (1998), 391.
The CPLEAR electromagnetic calorimeter,
R. Adler et al. (CPLEAR collaboration), CERN-PPE/96-191
published in Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A390 (1997), 293.
Evaluation of the phase of the CP violation parameter eta+- and the K(l)
- K(s) mass difference from a correlation analysis of different experiments,
R. Adler et al. (CPLEAR collaboration), published in Phys.Lett. B 369
(1996), 367.
Observation of the CP-conserving Ks->3pi Decay Amplitude,
R. Adler et al. (CPLEAR collaboration), CERN-PPE/96-008
published in Phys.Lett. B 374 (1996), 313.
The CPLEAR Detector at CERN,
R. Adler et al. (CPLEAR collaboration), CERN-PPE/96-027
published in Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 379 (1996), 76.
Regeneration of arbitrary coherent neutral kaon states:
A new method for measuring the K0 - K0bar forward scattering amplitude,
W. Fetscher et al.,
in Zeitschrift fur Physik C72 (1996) 543.
Measurement of KL-KS mass difference using semileptonic decays of tagged
neutral kaons,
R. Adler et al. (CPLEAR collaboration), CERN-PPE/95-103
published in Phys.Lett. B 363 (1995) 237.
Measurement of the CP violation Parameter eta+- using tagged K0 and K0bar,
R. Adler et al. (CPLEAR collaboration), CERN-PPE/95-107
published in Phys.Lett. B 363 (1995) 243.
A new determination of the KL-KS mass difference and the phase of the CP
violation parameter eta+- from an evaluation of experimental data,
R. Adler et al. (CPLEAR collaboration), CERN-PPE/95-112
published in Phys.Lett. B 369 (1996) 367.
Test of CPT symmetry and quantum mechanics with experimental data from
CPLEAR collaboration and J.Ellis et al., CERN-PPE/95-149
published in Phys.Lett. B 364 (1995) p 239-245.
First observation of a particle-antiparticle asymmetry in the decay of
neutral kaons into pi0pi0,
R. Adler et al. (CPLEAR collaboration), CERN-PPE/95-134
published in Zeitschrift fur Physik C70, nr 2 (1996), 211.
Search for CP violation in the decay of neutral kaons to pi+pi-pi0,
R. Adler et al. (CPLEAR collaboration), CERN-PPE/95-189
published in Phys.Lett. B 370 (1996) 167.
Identification of ppbar -> K pi K0(K0bar) events using artificial neural
P. Pavlopoulos et al.,
published in Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 359 (1995) 566.
Bose-Einstein Correlations in anti-p Annihilations at Rest,
R. Adler et al. (CPLEAR collaboration), CERN-PPE/94-64
published in Zeitschrift fuer Physik C 63 (1994) p. 541-547
Inclusive measurement of anti-p annihilation at rest in gaseous hydrogen
to final states containing rho and f_2,
R. Adler et al. (CPLEAR collaboration), CERN-PPE/94-85
published in Zeitschrift fuer Physik C 65, Vol. 2 (1995) p. 199-205
The CPLEAR Particle Identification Detector,
A. Angelopoulos et al., CERN-PPE/91-119,
published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A311
(1992) p. 78-90
First Determination of CP Violation Parameters from K0-K0 Decay Asymmetry,
R. Adler et al. (CPLEAR collaboration), CERN-PPE/92-32,
published in Physics Letters B 286 (1992) p. 180-186
Implications of CPT Violation in Neutral Kaon Decays, P. Pavlopoulos et
published in Particle World, Vol. 3, Nr1 (1992) p. 40
Design and Test of a Prototype Gas-Sampling Electromagnetic Calorimeter
of High Granularity for the CPLEAR Experiment,
R. Adler et al., CERN-PPE/92-68,
published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A321
(1992),p. 458-466
CP Violation : A Matter of (Anti)Gravity ?, G. Chardin & J.M. Rax,
published in Physics Letters B 282 (1992) p. 256 - 262
Real Time Pattern Recognition with Artificial Neural Networks,
G. Athanasiu et al., CERN-PPE/92-86,
published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A324
(1993), p. 320-329
The Readout System of the CPLEAR Electromagnetic Calorimeter,
F. Bal et al., CERN-ECP/92-9, Wire Chamber Conference 1992, Vienna,
February 17-21, 1992,
published in Nucl. Instr. and Methods in Physics Research A323 (1992)
p. 511-518
Determination of the Relative Branching Ratios for ppbar ->pi+pi- and ppbar->K+K-,
R. Adler et al. (CPLEAR collaboration), CERN-PPE/91-98,
published in Physics Letters B 267 (1991) p. 154
Development of small high-gain tubes for the electromagnetic calorimeter
of the CPLEAR Experiment,
P. Bloch et al., CERN-EP/90-67,
published in Nucl. Instr. and Methods in Physics Research A297 (1990)
p-beam monitoring system for CPLEAR,
M. Van den Putte et al.,
published in IEEE Transactions on nuclear science, vol. 37, No 2, April
Trigger using track search and kinematical analysis for rare decay channels
at high rates,
The CPLEAR Collaboration,
published in Nucl. Instr. and Methods in Physics Research A279 (1989)
The fast strangeness trigger of the CPLEAR Experiment,
R. Rickenbach for the CPLEAR Collaboration, CERN-EP/88-86,
published in Nucl. Instr. and Methods in Physics Research A279 (1989)
Compact fast rich detector using a solid radiator: principle and first
experimental results,
T. Francke et al.,
published in Nucl. Instr. and Methods in Physics Research A279 (1989)
CP violation in K0(K0bar) -> 2 gamma decays,
R. Decker, P. Pavlopoulos, G. Zoupanos,
published in Z. Phys. C28 (1985) 117.
Limitation on CP violating effects in strange particle decay,
C. Kounnas, A.B. Luhanas, P. Pavlopoulos,
published in Phys. Lett. B127 (1983) 381.